SEO plugin

Top 5 Must Have SEO Plugins for Your WordPress Website

WordPress SEO Plugin: Do you know that WordPress powers almost 27% of the entire internet? Many web developers and business owners prefer WordPress due to the ease of use and availability of free in just a click of a second.

Below are the five must-have SEO plugins you need to have on your WordPress website.

  1. Yoast SEO – Most popular SEO plugin on WordPress
  2. W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache – Helps increase your website loading performance.
  3. Simple 301 Redirects – Use to fix broken links using 301 redirects.
  4. 404 to 301 or Redirect 404 Error Page to Homepage – Redirect all 404 pages to homepage
  5. AMP Pages – Make your blog article pages accelerated mobile pages.

1. Yoast SEO Plugin

Yoast SEO PluginFor most of the readers of this post, there is no need for an introduction, as Yoast SEO Plug-in is the most popular WordPress SEO plugin in the world.

The critical advantage of using Yoast is you can change meta tags for each URL and page. And also, you can have a dynamic XML sitemap on your site.

2. W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache

wp super cacheW3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache is a must-have SEO plugin because these plugins will improve your site speed performance and user experience. The website loading speed is a direct ranking signal to Google.

These plugins generate static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site. After an HTML file is created, your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively more substantial and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.

3. Simple 301 Redirects

301 redirectsSimple 301 Redirects provides a secure method of redirecting requests to another page on your site or elsewhere on the web.

Most of the time, we use this SEO plugin to fix identified 404 issues via Google Webmaster Tools by redirecting using the 301 redirect method. And it’s straightforward to implement than asking your web development team to do the redirect.

4. 404 to 301 or Redirect 404 Error Page to Homepage

404 to 301 redirection404 to 301; If you care about your website health and user experience, you should always keep your website error-free. Even though a custom 404 page will help to a certain level, Google always recommends minimizing the 404 errors.

The advantage of these plugins over 301 redirect SEO plugin is you can automatically set your 404 pages to redirect to your home page or based on the category to another page.

5. AMP Pages – Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP pluginThe AMP Project SEO Plugin is an open-source initiative partner with Google to create mobile content faster and user-friendly.

You might have come across AMP pages like the below picture when you search on mobile. Just like that, you can convert especially your blog articles to AMP format.

Below are two plugins that do the same job for you.


AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages

Please feel free to comment if you know any other useful plugins that help with WordPress SEO.

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